Monday, February 3, 2014

Step 5 - Rough sketches based on treatments

Storyboard example:

Storyboard templates:

Lecture slides:


For CG shorts, live action, and animations

Break your treatment down into 3 acts containing one or two story beats each. Plan for about 2 minutes max in length. 

1. orientation (establishing sequence)
2. rising action to climax (consider shot flow medium to close up to extreme close up)
3. resolution (taking leave)


1. For the three acts, Collect 20 reference images to explore:
a. color, lighting, styling
b. character(s)
c. environment
d. other elements 

2. Create one key scene for each of the three acts.

These should be black and white hand drawn, or collaged with black and white or color images. Consider where your camera is, or is moving, and where your subject is, or is moving, and include arrows accordingly, as shown here:
and here:
and here:

3. Create a second copy of the 3 storyboard scenes, with foreground as silhouhette. Black in the foreground elements to create a silhouette drawing for each frame. See the example here:

By Monday, February 3 at the beginning of class, your 20 visual references and these pairs (3 pairs of sketch and sillhouette) should be posted on the blog. 


Step 5 - For games and interactive art

Focus on concept drawings for environment, mechanics, characters, other elements.
Collect 20 reference images in these categories.
Create an initial flow chart and storyboard showing game play.

See this zip file for an example of development docs and images:

Very good references for a game design think tank:


Step 5 - For what is not covered above
Let's talk one on one. 

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