Friday, February 21, 2014

Just 5 Boyz Gane Presentation: Leif, Kahlid, Reid. Justin, Andrew

Log line:  Ascend is a 3d platformer where one curious girl discovers the truth and history of the underwater city she lives in. 

Summary sentence: In Ascend, you control a curious young girl exploring abandoned underwater cities, and discovers the history of the city she lives in today through finding items and using equipment to unearth the origins of her world.

Logic Tree: 


 Concept sketch:

 3D form tests:

Justin's pictures go here

City 1: Denialberg (working title)

City 2: Angry Town (working title)

City 3: Bargainville (working title)

City 4: Depressionopolis (working title)

City 5: Acceptance place (working title)

Essential/Game-play Items:

Gauntlets: Magnetic gauntlets that allow the wearer to push and pull or climb up and along large metal objects.

Jump Pack: Allows the wearer to jump much further than normal before succumbing to the weight of both their suit and gravity, sinking back to the ocean floor.

Blast-O ray: A wrist-mounted pulse generator that will send out a wave of force that can be used to activate buttons or switches or even break glass.

Propulsion Gear: Wings and engines that attach to the jump pack that will allow for sustained "flight" underwater.

Collectable/Narrative Items: 

Geiger counter: (description addresses player to in-explicitly divulge information about the setting)
Description: While relatively unimpressive in the eyes of a young adventurer, this somewhat strange device broadcasts a life saving preliminary alert, when in the presence of a danger unseen by human eyes.

Wheel/tire: (Description plays off of characters ignorance of a world before her own)

Description: Large and round, this object resembles the design of primitive aquatic propulsion systems, though lacks the internal design necessary to provide any actual movement. It would seem to be essentially useless in regards to transportation.

Old School (modern day) Dive Tanks: (Description conveys information regarding the technology of the world at this time)

Description: Prior to the development of Synthetic Personal Suit Gills (S.P.S.G's) these large, cumbersome tanks were the only means by which human beings could breathe while submerged in water.

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