Wednesday, April 23, 2014

AnaEspitia- 4/23

-Without sound

1 comment:

  1. Try rendering as mp4 next time to judge motion
    Scene 1 could be slower, held longer on screen to see the environment, add in one more of her getting closer to foreground.
    Fade to where she’s in foreground in shot 2 is then paced more evenly with shot 1. shot 2: we notice monster with a longer shot and audio. alien could come in from off screen so it’s very noticeable against bright background. lose grey shadow around alien. could do big cast shadow against ground. change her expression when she starts to run. next scene against city, she seems to be scaled too large at beginning. walk should follow street rather than curve. could her pet move a bit in scene where shadow of monster happens. eyes should move to screen left to follow monster. her breath could happen more slowly. shot should fade more slowly to the next shot, approaching the woods. we need to see shadows of buildings on the ground in the orange shot to match the next one. darken background of trees just at bottom. shot with buildings, have her walk straighter and perhaps in line with the shadow angle. tree trunks should look rougher and less geometric. Hold last shot longer so we can appreciate it. should still be some magenta and/or orange, pink in this shot. or, animate lights to come on after she approaches. rougher trees.
