Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mackenzie Dalglish & Sammie Bosma: Deliverables 4/2/14

Mackenzie: 3D Progress

By next week: 
  • Finish both girl and fish models.
  • Rigging finished on girl model; fish at least partially or completed rigging

Sammie: 2D Progress


2D figures:

Animation Test:

By next week:
  • Clean up beginning Scenes Animation
  • Finish backgrounds for All Scenes
  • Finish Rough Animation up to girl entering water box

1 comment:

  1. Animation: After finishing the timing and all animation, go back and polish for secondary motion, ie clothes and hair reacting to motion up and down with walk. Fix obvious errors (eye, motion smoothing). Concern about how 3d and 2d styles will mesh together. How soon can you do a test? Will the 3d be styled the same as in 2d (yes). When in water, how does the transition work from 2d to 3d, ie does it split where the water starts? In older animatic, slow down or make camera static and focus on the transition. Think about how to be the most efficient in finishing - ie what to leave out or not polish so you have a quality result.
