Monday, April 7, 2014

Ascend Team Phase 3 deliverables

   Phase 2 has begun construction. The platforms, basic environment, and architecture have  been built in BSP (binary space partitioning).

 Elements such as the DOF volume and lighting effects have been translated to the new level file including the animated character as well as new animations for moving boxes.

 Programming puzzles for the level in kismet is currently being worked on.

   Phase 1 is currently being refined resolving the issues of jump distance and speed including an issue with the character entering a gravity volume and floating up. The issue with the light not working correctly was fixed.

 Issues with the character clipping through the environment are being resolved by changing the collision box to the mesh of the character from the skeleton of the character, and then fine tuning the size of the collision box to suit the game. All the doors are now textured and animated.

 Particle effects were added throughout the level to help the illusion of 3D space and depth.

 The character is now fully textured and this is being applied to the animated versions within the game.

Khalid: Constructed the new phase of the level and puzzle design.
Reid: New sounds found and mixed. New assets modeled.
Leif: New animations for the character moving box and cutscene completion.
Justin: Character textured. Troubleshooting
Andrew: Level polishing. Added particle effects. Fixed jump/kismet issues and refined depth of field.

Tasks to accomplish:
Get animations matched in the game engine.
Adjust sound levels.
Finish textures.

1 comment:

  1. They changed the layout of the first level so it was more of a 'learn as you go' approach and seems to flow much nicer but the feedback was that since it was more of an orientation level, it should be much shorter to get you through and into the second part of the level with more puzzles.

    A lot of stuff about it being too dark, of course. And the light on the character should be brighter. They thought it was weird having her look towards or away from the camera in her idle animation. Someone brought up using the mouse or right joystick to control the direction of her headlamp to further emphasize exploration and looking around. They could also use that mechanic to show what buttons to press. So say there was some old sign in the background, the player would use their light to illuminate it and maybe it would say like 'oh hey, press A' or something like the contextual cues in the environment. 

    They talked about the camera being too constricting. The horizon line is currently right in the center, so they talked about pushing it down to that first third from the bottom of the screen so that half of it isn't being taken up my the ground. As well as putting items in the foreground to bring out the parallax in the 3d space. One guy had trouble seeing when you picked up the boots so maybe having a short cutscene showcasing them. 

    Most of the other stuff was usual Andre type stuff. Polish the UI they had and give it a background. Watch the collisions of the player. And test it a whole bunch more.
    Overall, they're doing great but they didn't get around to showing the second level and the puzzle, which is unfortunate. 

    build in voice cues so you know what level you’re in or how long there is to go
    we don’t see her face - can you give her a face?
    justin and andrew working on trailer
    5 stages of grief
    pick up boots: see a light so light=actions
    For VISTshow - need posters, a trailer showing the overall concept and alluding to the “5 stages” using for example Kahlid’s assets and an overal space diagram or artwork
