Monday, April 21, 2014

Taylor Elliott- April 21st deliverabls

Log Line:
When a man's vision glitches, and he is forced to reenter the real world, he realizes how
out out of it he really was by observing the acts of strangers.

Day Dreams

1 comment:

  1. Fix green vertical bar at right (ask Schaefer to help troubleshoot)
    Day Dreams - typography could be more dreamy looking (use tracking minus in character panel to close up spaces between letters) — or hand draw
    put bridesmaid in the shot where she’s missing
    collage works well and is consistent.
    soup shot collage: needs color change to read food (red?) and more contrast
    audio: vows maybe a bit louder
    hand slap —add another frame where it’s getting closer at end
    normalize all audio tracks using audacity (free) — open tracks separately, highlight all, and filter-normalize. Then save and reconnect tracks to AE file. Then adjust levels so they are consistent.
    Put your name in :)
