Thursday, January 16, 2014

Ana Espitia - Assignment 2

1. "Biomimetic architecture that fuses high-tech ideas with basic cellular functions to create 'living' structures that operate like natural organisms." Is definitely something that can be seen in 100 years or so in the future to help with natural resources that are running a risk of quickly wasting away and pollution and toxins taking over. By creating such 'living' structures that would be of more help to the earth's and human's environment one can see a healthier and fuller life for the future.


2. Lilypad, a Floating Ecopolis For Climate Refugees and auto-sufficient amphibious city that can accommodate up to 50,000 inhabitants where both humans and nature can merge and explore new modes of living. Such structure can most likely be seen duplicated around the world in a 100 years providing living accommodations to the growing human race as well as space for natural resources and further creating new ways to achieve natural resources.


3. Sea Orbiter "a cross between a skyscraper and a boat for exploring the unchartered territories of the earth's oceans." The sea Orbiter is a project that is currently going and will soon in the near future of maybe six years be seen in life size not just as a prototype. It is a project that will and has inspired many other people and likely become a substitute structure for your everyday cruiser, boat, or a new way of entertainment and transportation.


4. Underwater cities has become a possibility but currently for now only for short periods of time and because of pressure no lower than 300m. Thought one of the biggest challenges is energy independence one can most definitely bet such thing as underwater cities will exist in 100 years from now, creating new ways for people to live and expand.


5. Hydrogenase, algae farm to recycle C02 for bihydrogen airship that is 100% self-sufficient in energy and zero carbon emission. The Hydrogenase is a project that started from the city Shanghai that is well known for its heavy air pollution and contamination, thus making such idea even more hopeful because it will be a big impact especially if it is successfully executed throughout the world. This machinery could come into in 20 to 40 more years from now. 


6. Gwanggyo green power center that is "envisioned as a verdant acropolis of organic 'hill' structures, the proposed complex is a fully self-sufficient city for up to 77,000 inhabitants. An idea from South Korea that is currently going underway and will soon in the very near future be finished. It will be the start of a new way of living construction and order depending on how successful the results are after such settings become a living experience by its residents.


7. Whaterscraper, a half building and half vessel structure that "creates a habitable link towards the lower levels of the sea." The Whaterscraper, can come to life in maybe less than 30 years creating a new era of life in water where constructions of cities no longer stop in dry soil but expand to the ocean waters and the results of such constructions may cause positive and negative results for the future living environment.


8. The flying car project has already gone underway and many results have been acquired, it wont be long maybe 50 t0 70 years till there are flying cars everywhere, causing to question and redefine the meaning of what is consider a car as many things seem to evolve and change. Also, affecting the way traveling is arranged will differentiate to accommodate a new way of travel such as flying cars.


9. Security governmental and military personnel robots/robot gear can be used for high level crimes and in cases where it is to dangerous for a regular human to participate, they can also be used as back up and reinforcement. Such robots/robot gear is something not to far fetched from now probably 30 to 50 years from now and such development and change will bring much more change in governmental/law rule and the way things work in general. (Robocop movie) 


10. Human animal hybrids that have been under experimentation for the past few years can lead to injecting humans for any type of purposes thus cross-species DNA becoming successful extremely soon, causing a change in human DNA and possibly creating a new race. (Beauty & the beast TV show)


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