Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Anthony Criscione, Assignment 1, Step 2: Step it Up Again

Trio 1:
             Advances in mankind's ability to understand and communicate with forms of lower life causes a great cultural rift, eventually escalating into all out war.

Technology that will allow for animals to communicate with people that also help in them creating a working environment for themselves.
Humans gain the ability to communicate with plants, who reveal information about God.

 In response to humanities escalating encroachment on nature, the human race will diverge and evolve into two factions; waging war on each other over the ideologies of natural preservation versus domination.


Trio 2:

           Antimatter based energy, combined with nano-technology materials, allows for Lighter-Than-Air cities, and other "impossible" constructs.

A fuel that creates an enormous amount of thrust with a small amount of resources, which will not take up and destroy the earth’s resources and destroy the environment.  In the future it could be developed to power machines other than for space travel.

In the future, humans will possess complete control over the elements through the use of nano technology.
Lightweight building materials open up the ability to build floating cities to combat the growing population problem, which can be raised and lowered as needed to avoid or catch weather and avoid calamity.

Trio 3: 

            Incredible progress in the field of genetics allows humans to drastically influence the growth of organic specimens, even so far as planning the future appearance of humans while in utero. However, fashion trends can result in nearly identical generations.

 Modified cordyceps focuses on humans and is used in genetic warfare.
Growing your own children will be as simple as growing plants with new developments such as womb transplants. With this technological advance, growing children from conception through birth in a lab, with the possibility of speeding up the process and no need for the stretch marks of pregnancy, will become the newest trend in the future.
Cloning and DNA alterations will prove lifesaving and eliminate nearly all birth defects, but will also lead to "designer people" whose parents choose their eye color, hair color, gender, etc.

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