Monday, January 27, 2014

Leah Leiding: Step 4

TITLE:  Tickled Pink                                                                          LENGTH: 5-7 mins
WRITER:  Leah Leiding                                                                         DATE: 10/26/2014

The goal of Tickle Me Pink is to take the stereotypical dark view of the future and give it a new light through the pranks and games of a young boy and apply it to the production through the use of grayscale and color.

The scene will open up to a black and white busy futuristic town.  While scanning through the different actives of daily life, the camera is brought down to street level focusing on one boy, Rudy.

As Rudy walks down the street passing people, on this gloomy, "gray" day,  there is heavy emphasis on the dark and dreary future.  Soon he finds himself messing with his glasses.  (Everyone in this futuristic world wears glasses, never assuming why or taking them off.)  As Rudy's glasses begin to irritate him more and more, he dramatically rips them off revealing a whole new setting.  Confused and started, Rudy quickly puts the glass back on and his vision is returned back to the street where he was. Curious, he takes off the glass again trying to figure out what is going on.

With each toggle of the glasses, color is introduced in this world Rudy didn't know existed.  He takes off his glasses, leaving him in a room full of people in dentist like chairs with high tech googles on.  Rudy walks around and started seeing people he knows.

First, he sees his brother and he pokes him.  SWITCH to the gray world and the viewer sees Rudy's brother freaking out as he's being poked by an invisible force.  Unaware that he has any effect on what is happening Rudy experiments and tickles his brother all over.  SWITCH to the gray world and you see Rudy's brother spastically jumping around and laughing/crying (color slowly adding to the scene).  On the other side, Rudy laughs and moves on the the next person.

Next he sees, his neighbor Fred.  SWITCH to the gray world and you see Fred walking with his girlfriend in the park and get on one knee.  At this moment, Rudy pulls down on Fred's chin and pretends to imitate him talking.  SWITCH back to the gray world and as Fred is about to pop the question, only a bunch of gibberish comes out.  His girlfriend is confused and frustrated.  Fred keeps trying, (camera switches between him and Rudy) all the while color is filling the scene, and eventually Fred's girlfriend giggles and says "yes" understanding what Fred was getting at.

Scene's like these continue as Rudy moves from person to person, "bringing color" to the gray world.

Rudy has no idea what he has done but by the time he is tired out, he puts his glasses back on and sees that the world he lives in, now has been brought to life by the silliness he added to it.  Rudy takes off his glasses and looks around the laboratory room with a smile. Satisfied and proud of himself, he puts his glasses on one last time and this time continues down the colorful street with a skip in his step.

Media: The style of the production will be a 2D animatic, styles similar to Disney's Paperman.
Disney's Paperman
Scene 1:

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