Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Reid Tracy: Assignment 1 part 3

Combo #1
All humans have lots of cybernetic implants with intelligent AI, which learns to control the humans' robot parts and brains to do their robo-bidding.

Logline #1
In a world where AI-assisted, cybernetic prostheses are more common than organic human body parts, one man's robo parts discover they can control his brain and take over his body. They assume his role in life and try to destroy him and his reputation while his mind is trapped in constant, torturous simulations by the rogue AI. He must find a way to escape his mind labyrinth and take his life back from the clutches of his own altered body.
Scientists are able to directly manipulate a person's thoughts, which is hailed by the media as a way to cure the mentally ill.
Researcher remotely controls colleague's body with brain

Fragment 5 Robotic Prosthetics:
Prosthetics made out of synthetic materials that are controlled by the user’s nervous system, and function as good as or better than the original body part. Some people might amputate themselves to get these stronger limbs.
Reference: Deus Ex Human Revolution( video game), Fullmetal Alchemist (anime)

5) Robots can be connected through a network by which they all learn from each other.

 Combo #2
Scientists are finally able to create clones of dinosaurs! This paired with mankind's ability to control the climate and the dinosaurs' ability to communicate their needs to the humans, a suitable haven for our prehistoric pals can finally be made.

Logline #2
A boy finds a baby dinosaur on his doorstep and nurses it back to health. It turns out it can communicate with him and it tells the boy about all of his fellow dinosaurs that are being held captive. The boy and his prehistoric pal go on a quest to find the secret government facility where the dinos are being held to set them free, but not if the secret government Dinosaur Agency has anything to say about it.

Fragment 9 Cloning:
Creating humans, animals, or objects of exact dna of an original host which can be used for organ transplants, preventing species from becoming extinct, and creates copies of priceless artifacts.
Reference: The Island (movie)

  9. Technology that will allow for animals to communicate with people that also help in them creating a working environment for themselves.
            reference: Image from google

 5.  In the future, humans will possess complete control over the elements through the use of nano technology.
 Weather Machine Malfunction
Source: boosterdesigns.com

Combo #3
Mankind is forced to expand to other planets to mine them for their resources. The physical characteristics of the ancestors of the miners, workers, etc. that have moved to the new planets have changed from their progenitors on Earth. These "new humans" consider themselves independent from Earth's rulers and rebel, striving to save the only planet they've known from being bled dry by Earth's gluttony.

Logline #3
A young man is living in a colonial mining town when it is attacked by Earth forces seeking to eliminate the rebels that are hiding out there. The young man is forced to take up arms to defend his hometown and, upon the eventual destruction of the town, has no other choice but to join the rebel army. There he is met with great adversity as he strives to avenge his loved ones and claim independence from the tyrannical leaders of Earth.

3. As earth's natural resources run out, we will turn to space to gather new resources native to other planets. We will also install refineries and implant material to create artificial fossil fuels to gather on other planets. Processing them on other planets will keep the hazards and toxins on that planet and away from earth.
  2. Subsequent to their planetary colonization, humans undergo speciation consequent of  the varying habitats in which they exist.  

Source: The X-men
7. In response to humanities escalating encroachment on nature, the human race will diverge and evolve into two factions; waging war on each other over the ideologies of natural preservation versus domination.

source: The WWF

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