Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sadie Long-Step 2

3 Combination Ideas

1. High class society has risen from a great social division, and they are essentially able to own their own city made of lightweight/metamaterials in order to practically erase themselves from the world, while their city is risen it is made of urban farming so they also have better air as well.

2. Because of the development of nanotechnology, most humans are able to gain the control of all the elements, including the human body. The are able to insert the nano robots and redesign a human's DNA and put in the amazing google glass and smart phone qualities into a human brain without harming them, making almost perfect human beings.

3. Animals will almost be a thing of the pas in the future as most animals go instinct, so humans replace them with robot/storage device animals. They can hold almost any information and retain the knowledge you need to know while still being able to entertain you like it is a pet. They will be able to remind you about meetings and important dates and be able to warn you of bad things surrounding you much like real life animals.

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