Monday, January 27, 2014

Sadie Long - Step 4

Goal: This film will kind of be symbolic of how uniting the world because everyone needs each other. Separation is not a future the Earth should deal with. It's dangerous to keep things from certain classes just because they can't afford it. 

Media: Live Action film with green screen and very few CGI effects (still deciding on the CGI), maybe some animatic mixed.

Story: Remerge
BEGIN The story begins with the floating city about a dingy, earth city. It then morphs into the sky, but you can still see a sort of blurry figure in the sky. Then, a small black dot falls out of the invisibility into the dirty ground

SCENE 1 Begins with, a guy (not named yet) in a very dirty, dark alley. He is in a lot of pain. He is in white clothes, but has become really dirty in the alley. He doesn't know where he is at or how he got there. He can't move and the buildings around him are dark and grey. Not many people are around. He tries to move but he can't because he is hurt so bad. Someone finally notices there is a man hurt in the ally. It appears to be a young woman who is dressed in grey and dirt. The camera is through her view and she seems concerned and worried, but he can't seem to talk. She says something, but he can't understand her. He blacks out.

SCENE 2 The film cuts to a shabby, dingy room. He is lying on the floor with a blanket, and there is bowl of water. He can't remember anything. He tries to move but just shifts up in the bed. Suddenly the girl reappears, still dirty. She tells him he needs to be still to heal. He starts coughing again. She asks him who he is and why he is here very intimidatingly. He says he doesn't know. She says she knows he is from the Realm. She says it's dangerous to be here on the Surface. He doesn't understand. She points out his clothes. He's not made for this type of world. She helps him up to take him out to see if she can help him remember.

SCENE 3 It's a cloudy grey sky, and she brings him to a rundown park. He is now dressed in dark grey clothes to blend in. She pulls out a book from her bag, and he asks her what it is? She laughs and is surprised that he has never seen a book. She asks what he does remember. He still doesn't talk much. Just shakes his head. The book says The Great Divide. She asks if he knows what it's like up there. He still shakes his head. She opens the book. 

SCENE 4 This is an old style animatic part of the film that talks of the social divide, how the government controlled states were the only ones with the most advances in technology, and the ones who could afford it, bought it. However, the technology became to great, not everybody could afford or have it. They weren't using it for good. So a great war started. It caused a great social divide of the world. It caused the aristocrats to flee the Surface up to the Realm where no one could see or hear from them. Unfortunately, they took the smartest and left the surface the fools. The Surface is on permanent black out as the Realm took the engineers. 

SCENE 5 The animatic is over and is back on the girl and boy. The book doesn't say much but gives tips on how the Surface can survive because no one knows the lifestyle of the Realm. No one even knows where they are. She is asking questions of the Realm, but the guy still can't remember anything. She sighs and takes him back to her house. Still heavy coughing. (worse and more often)

SCENE 6 It's nighttime and the boy is sleeping and goes into a dreamworld. In his dream is multiple flashbacks of his life in the Realm and how beautiful and pretty it is there. Parties, white, clean and beautiful people flash around him. Where his name is finally revealed by a really pretty girl in a family setting. When his name is said, he jolts awake, his eyes flies open, but it is too late because he has died from being in the polluted air. So he lies there, still, cold and dead.

Style: I want this to kind of be a dark film. similar to a dark world kind of thing. And the animatic, kind of cartoony and old like the Deathly Hallows tale from Harry Potter. And for the Realm scenes to kind of be like the futuristic scenes from Oblivion, but for the most part, all the scenes for the Surface will be very washed out almost black and white, just faded.

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