Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Shelby Jones - Assignment 1 (Updated with 10 Fragments)

1. A new type of spandex is being developed by Myontec that is embedded with sensors that tell you just how hard you are working out and what muscles you are working.
       reference: New York Times

2. Not only will your car be able to alert paramedics of a possible car crash, but be able to tell them what kind of injuries have occurred making them the most aware they could be in the situation of an emergency.
       reference: New York Times

3. Instead of having an itty bitty screen for your cell phone, you would be able to make a call anywhere on a surface in your house, like making a video call from your refrigerator or calling someone from your kitchen table.
    reference: New York Times

4.  Insulation spray that allows you to spray onto your body to let you swim in arctic cold or burning hot water.
         reference: seeing a polar bear swimming around in arctic cold water

5. Water wells that will not only filter the water in third world countries but will also put minerals in the water so that the people won't starve to death.
    reference: Bored Panda, most powerful images. A missionary is holding the hand of a starving boy

6. Oil spills affect everyone when they happen, so if there was a tarp that was thrown out onto that certain affected spot of water that instantly cleans it up, wildlife and money would be saved. 

7. Instead of impatiently putting on makeup every morning, a quick swipe over your face with your hand would instantly put a different make up look on your face.

8. Parking is such an issue in our age today, so if there were unlimited parking underneath the surface of the Earth with different "parking stations" where people would drive their car onto the platform and then push a button to send it down to the next available spot, people could drive and park anywhere for  any amount of time.


9. Technology that will allow for animals to communicate with people that also help in them creating a working environment for themselves.
            reference: Image from google

10. Arenas for sporting events that allows for the ground to move creating entirely different competitions and sporting events.
      reference: Amazing Pictures of 2013

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