Saturday, January 18, 2014

Mackenzie Dalglish: Assignment 1 Fragments

1. Synthetic skin that is sensitive to the human range of touch will allow for more effective prosthetics, and also could lead to more precise uses if applied to robotics.

Source: Star Wars

2. A variety of computer that could be controlled and interacted with via thought, where commands would be picked up by a small headpiece or earpiece receiver that could be put on an taken off easily when needed

Reference: Google Glass

3. Printing cells could lead to printing bodily organs using one's own cells as a base, eliminating chances of the body rejecting necessary implants


4. Buildings are lined with aerogel to insulate them from outside temperatures, creating cost-effective temperature control and also making life viable in case of climate change

Source: Aerogel

5. Cloning and DNA alterations will prove lifesaving and eliminate nearly all birth defects, but will also lead to "designer people" whose parents choose their eye color, hair color, gender, etc.

Source: Rolling Girl

6. Virtual Reality will become so realistic and common that people will spend more time in idyllic digital worlds than the real world.

Source: The Physics of Christmas

7. Air controller devices will be able to create dense sections of air that can be projected upon, which could be used for advertisements and announcements.

Source: Macross Frontier

8. Lightweight building materials open up the ability to build floating cities to combat the growing population problem, which can be raised and lowered as needed to avoid or catch weather and avoid calamity.

9. A color and material-changing bodysuit makes changing clothing simple, with a wristband that when activated gives people time to picture what they want to wear, and choices are recorded, then created; when people are finished choosing they need only deactivate this thought-matching mode to lock in their choice.

Source: Macross Frontier

10. Lack of usuable energy sources and land on Earth will lead to exploration and mining in other parts of the solar system and deep space.


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