Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Assignment1; Part Dos - Ana Espitia

1. Human animal hybrids that have been under experimentation for the past few years can lead to injecting humans for any type of purposes thus cross-species DNA becoming successful extremely soon, causing a change in human DNA and possibly creating a new race. (Beauty & the beast TV show) 

2. Security governmental and military personnel robots/robot gear can be used for high level crimes and in cases where it is to dangerous for a regular human to participate, they can also be used as back up and reinforcement. Such robots/robot gear is something not to far fetched from now probably 30 to 50 years from now and such development and change will bring much more change in governmental/law rule and the way things work in general. (Robocop movie) 

3. Gwanggyo green power center that is "envisioned as a verdant acropolis of organic 'hill' structures, the proposed complex is a fully self-sufficient city for up to 77,000 inhabitants. An idea from South Korea that is currently going underway and will soon in the very near future be finished. It will be the start of a new way of living construction and order depending on how successful the results are after such settings become a living experience by its residents.


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