Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Leif Seifert: Step 2: C-C-C-COMBO(s)!!

Group 1: Uninhibited worldwide communication as a result of linguistic technological advances  spurs a new found fascination with other cultures, leading to constant documentation of every person on earth. 

Electronic Patches placed behind the ear translates what a person says into another language and translates what a person says in another language into the language the user speaks. 

A variety of computer that could be controlled and interacted with via thought, where commands would be picked up by a small headpiece or earpiece receiver that could be put on and taken off easily.

In the future, the fascination with reality TV grows until the point where literally every person on earth is filmed constantly for the entertainment of everyone else.

Group 2: In a world where physical violence is the strictest of taboo's, human conflict is resolved through children's card games.

  Holograms will become more advanced to allow people to communicate with each other better and more personally. It will also allow businesses to visualize products better and more accurately.

 Operating systems are now built upon the technology of artificial intelligence, leading to more personal or intimate relationships between the computer and its user. 

  In the future, children's card games will be played on tables with a code reader inside that can read the code on the back of the card, send the information to a small projector, and create a hologram so that players can actually see their monsters fight each other in their living room.

Group 3: In a future where perfection is an effortless constant, a sudden desire for human flaw arises and becomes sought after by the general masses.

 When talent becomes downloadable, a rapid spate of human evolution ensues, followed by boredom

Genetic modification in the form of altering DNA before birth would cause an uproar among many religions, but would pave the way for essentially a new generation of humans with the most optimized genes that could eventually take over or even evolve into a new species.

 Eventually, science and medicine will advance to the point where people literally can not grow older. This new youth would be the death of seemingly needless cosmetic companies, were it not for the newly developed fad of looking and feeling older than ones self, made possible by Aging Cream: from Loreal.

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