Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sam Owens - Treatment and Thumbnails

Format: Video Game

In a world filled with lightning storms, tall skyscrapers act as lightning rods to protect and harvest energy for the city.  One day, the towers start malfunctioning and lightning starts to destroy the city and threaten the lives of its inhabitants.  A team of skilled hover board riders are enlisted to find out what happened to the towers and fix it since they are the only ones capable of getting to the towers without getting hit by the lightning.
The time of the game would take place either in the middle of the night or at dusk.  The lightning storm and the sky should be in contrast with each other.  A dark sky, with purple hues would work well to create that contrast.  When the player wins the game, it will change to sunrise and clear skies.
The skyscrapers would be made of crystal like material.  There are many catwalks and bridges that connect different levels of the skyscrapers.  There will also be many landing pads sticking out of buildings.  The higher class lives at the top of the towers so higher you go the fancier the tower looks.  If you go low to the bottom then the buildings look more worn down and patched together.  Parts of the buildings will be damaged due to the storm and debris could act as obstacles to the player.
The team of hover board riders will be made up of three or four characters.  The different hover board riders will each have different personalities and styles.  One of them will act as a rival character to incite the character to do things faster or to take certain risks.  Another character could provide helpful hints/tips to the player and give a tutorial at the beginning of the game.
                The game should be fast paced with the character always in motion.  The player has to be quick to dodge lightning, skyscrapers, and debris.  During the gameplay, the camera will stay behind the player in a third person perspective.  There would need to be controls for moving up, down, left and right.  A break system could be added for the player to slow down temporarily and a boost as well to get out of a tight spot.  The buildings create a maze the player has to travel through to find certain checkpoints.  The checkpoints lead to the energy towers or other objectives, for example rescuing a teammate.  The player wins when he/she reaches all the energy towers.

                The game focuses on character vs. environment.  There could be some character development and history of the city added in.

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