Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Khalid Bell Synopses

Synopsis I
Khalid Bell: Fragment I
Advances in biogenetics has allowed for the manufacturing of human organs. The continued research led to a completely manufactured human. These humans were used in place of born individuals for war purposes. When the production of mechanical organs became possible, born humans began replacing their failing, and sometimes still healthy, organs with mechanical counterparts. The manufactured humans, growing tired of being considered disposable, have risen against born humans who manufactured humans now consider less human than themselves.

Synopsis II
Khalid Bell: Fragment II
The entire nation is digital, humans are linked to the cyber world throughout their lives. When a malfunction occurs, people are left helpless and begin to see a world outside the digital construct.

Synopsis III
Sammie Bosma: Fragment I

In a world where humans have become ideal in every way, finding the person of your dreams is no longer a thing. All humans are the same and therefore, any one person is as suitable as the next. But one person begins to look for something different and brings up the question “is ideal the same as perfect?”

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