Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sarah Greenlee Assignment 1- Step 2

7. An interactive, live hologram can be used to interact with an image of a patient’s heart, incuding cut it open and view the interior. Future progression could allow full body holograms from different locations and visualization of the future of the body. http://futuristicnews.com/realview-3d-interactive-live-holography-from-science-fiction-to-science-fact/
2) A plate is surgically inserted into a person’s arm/hand/etc, and a tattoo-pen-like object is used to create temporary (or permanent if you so choose) tattoos by activating spots on the plate that make the pattern appear on the person’s skin. If the client grows tired of the design or needs to remove it for a job, the design can be deleted, then re-added once the time is right. This could eliminate a lot of the illnesses contracted via needles and make tattoos accessible to a wider audience.
3. Instead of having an itty bitty screen for your cell phone, you would be able to make a call anywhere on a surface in your house, like making a video call from your refrigerator or calling someone from your kitchen table.
    reference: New York Times

Combination #1: In the year 2110, medical data is solely stored on a microchip implanted in human skin that when scanned allows a doctor located anywhere to pull up a fully interactive hologram of your body along with files that can be voice activated and interact with the hologram also.

6. Siri can hear what you say and transfer it to your phone screen, but in 50 years a wearable chip that accesses your brain waves will follow your thoughts to transfer them to your phone without you ever opening your mouth or using your hands.
Augmented reality is so ubiquitous that people are unaware of the extent to which their reality is distorted.
10. Fiber optic tubes, like the Seed Cathedral, can be used as a new way to catalogue information within a building. Future catalogues could also contain a computer system to find it automatically and sort however you please.
Combination #2:
Memories can be physically extracted from your brain or other peoples' brains and can be stored to be relived through augmented reality, a real life Pensieve. 

8. With the research in hydroponics advancing, in 100 years, every major city will have "green skyscrapers" that aid in reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as well as bring organic life back into the cities.http://lh4.ggpht.com/_hVOW2U7K4-M/S4eTK3FBmqI/AAAAAAABQUo/PWcbQhaPnyU/s720/ret6yurstdrd.jpg

Fragment 7 Virtual Reality:
A reality created through a computer that can change a user’s environment to anything he/she wants which allows the user to enjoy scenery he/she cannot normally or easily visit.  This would lower tourism since anyone could visit anywhere inside their virtual reality room.
Reference: Star Trek (TV show)
Based on medical researchers creating arm patches that allow people to be vaccinated without getting a shot, in the future there could be a patch that cleaned it's surrounding environment.  This would be extremely helpful after natural disasters.   
Reference: http://www.gizmag.com/polymer-vaccine-mit/25999/

Combination #3:
In a world where the future is fresh and green complete with green skyscrapers and everything revolves around the environment and protecting the atmosphere. A disguised digital wall is actually a portal to the rest of the world where innovation took a turn towards pollution and destruction.

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