Friday, January 17, 2014

Sam Owens - Step 1

Fragment 1 Portal Gun:
A device that creates multiple portals in which people or objects can travel between instantly, which in later years will eliminate other means of transportation.
Reference: Portal (video game)

Fragment 2 Dream Share:
A machine that connects to the users subconscious that allows them to control their dreams or share them with others.  This technology could lead to people dividing their time between reality and dreams or living mostly in one or the other.
Reference: Inception (movie)

Fragment 3 Motion Capture:
The technology to make a machine or cgi element follow the user’s movements accurately.  A robot following a human’s actions could perform tasks in which humans could not do physically themselves.
Reference Real Steel(movie), Pacific Rim(movie)

Fragment 4 Holographic Interfaces:
A computer that displays information not on a screen but through projection that allows the user to interact with it directly.  Once it becomes portable, everyone would be able to use it anywhere conveniently.
Reference: Mass Effect (video game)

Fragment 5 Robotic Prosthetics:
Prosthetics made out of synthetic materials that are controlled by the user’s nervous system, and function as good as or better than the original body part.  Some people might amputate themselves to get these stronger limbs.
Reference: Deus Ex Human Revolution( video game), Fullmetal Alchemist (anime)

Fragment 6 Hoverboard:
A transportation device that is powered by jets which travels above the ground at fast speeds and is easy to transport when not in use.  It becomes a quick form of travel and could be used for extreme sports.
Reference: Spiderman (moive/comic)

Fragment 7 Virtual Reality:
A reality created through a computer that can change a user’s environment to anything he/she wants which allows the user to enjoy scenery he/she cannot normally or easily visit.  This would lower tourism since anyone could visit anywhere inside their virtual reality room.
Reference: Star Trek (TV show)

Fragment 8 Warp Drive:
A device that allows space crafts to travel faster than light allowing for deep space travel and exploration.  This could lead to finding new sources of life and colonization of new worlds for humans to live on.
Reference: Star Trek (TV show)

Fragment 9 Cloning:
Creating humans, animals, or objects of exact dna of an original host which can be used for organ transplants, preventing species from becoming extinct, and creates copies of priceless artifacts.
Reference: The Island (movie)

Fragment 10 Anti-Matter:
A fuel that creates an enormous amount of thrust with a small amount of resources, which will not take up and destroy the earth’s resources and destroy the environment.  In the future it could be developed to power machines other than for space travel.
Reference: Star Trek (TV show)

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